Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Please Don't Give Up on Me! Psalms 118-119; Hebrews 7

May the mumbling commence!

The intent is often there in our lives.  We want to live lives based upon the Word of the Lord.  But sometimes we just fall short.  God please do not give up on us.  Read the first stanza of Psalm One-hundred Nineteen:

Happy are people of integrity,
who follow the law of the Lord
Happy are those who obey his decrees
and search for him with all their hearts. 
They do not compromise with evil,
and they walk only in his paths. 
You have charged us to keep your commandments carefully
Oh, that my actions would consistently reflect your principles! 
Then I will not be disgraced
when I compare my life with your commands. 
When I learn your righteous laws,
I will thank you by living as I should
I will obey your principles.
Please don't give up on me! (Verses 1-8)

Our devotion to the Lord is easy to express in words… but much more difficult to express in actions.  Both depend on our thoughts and attitudes.  It is easier to fake words… harder to fake actions.

I will live as I should.  I will obey.  That is the path that I have chosen, though I am not completely on that narrow path.

We say along with the psalmist, “Please don’t give up on me!”  And we are thankful for the new High Priest that we have in Jesus.  Read about him from Hebrews chapter seven:

Another difference is that there were many priests under the old system. When one priest died, another had to take his place.  But Jesus remains a priest forever; his priesthood will never end.  Therefore he is able, once and forever, to save everyone who comes to God through him. He lives forever to plead with God on their behalf. 
He is the kind of high priest we need because he is holy and blameless, unstained by sin. He has now been set apart from sinners, and he has been given the highest place of honor in heaven.  He does not need to offer sacrifices every day like the other high priests. They did this for their own sins first and then for the sins of the people. But Jesus did this once for all when he sacrificed himself on the cross.  Those who were high priests under the law of Moses were limited by human weakness. But after the law was given, God appointed his Son with an oath, and his Son has been made perfect forever. (Verses 23-28)

Thank God for Jesus, who is there to intercede for us.  We are not perfect, but Jesus is.  Please, O Lord, cover us with your perfect obedience!

Enough mumbling for now…

Peace Out

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