Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Render Unto God What is Due to God. Lamentations 1-2; Matthew 22

May the mumbling commence!

Many people make the statement that God is on their side.  Is God on our side?  We like to think so.  But the better question to ask is: Are we on God’s side?

God’s people have been taught this lesson over and over again.  Will we ever learn it?  Read from Lamentations chapter two:

All the strength of Israel vanishes beneath his fury.
The Lord has withdrawn his protection as the enemy attacks.
He consumes the whole land of Israel like a raging fire
He bends his bow against his people as though he were their enemy.
His strength is used against them to kill their finest youth.
His fury is poured out like fire on beautiful Jerusalem. 

Yes, the Lord has vanquished Israel like an enemy.
He has destroyed her forts and palaces.
He has brought unending sorrow and tears to Jerusalem. 
He has broken down his Temple as though it were merely a garden shelter.

The Lord has blotted out all memory of the holy festivals and Sabbath days.
Kings and priests fall together before his anger. 
The Lord has rejected his own altar; he despises his own sanctuary.
He has given Jerusalem's palaces to her enemies.
They shout in the Lord's Temple as though it were a day of celebration. (Verses 3-7)

The Lord withdrew protection from Jerusalem because they did not follow God’s Word.  God is on our side..?  No, are we on God’s side?  That’s the question.

If we cannot answer the question truthfully and affirmatively that we are on God’s side, then we are subject to the fruits of our labors.  Those fruits are a consuming fire, war, strife, fury, defeat, destruction, sorrow and tears.  The things we thought we could trust in – like God’s sanctuary are no protection for us.  Those days are like a rapidly fading memory.

And those we call our enemies have a day in the sun… victory… celebration.  Oh, may we seek the Lord’s side in all things!  Let us seek the Lord’s side to avoid these judgments!  Let’s render unto God what is God’s.  Read from Matthew chapter twenty-two:

Then the Pharisees met together to think of a way to trap Jesus into saying something for which they could accuse him.  They decided to send some of their disciples, along with the supporters of Herod, to ask him this question: "Teacher, we know how honest you are. You teach about the way of God regardless of the consequences. You are impartial and don't play favorites.  Now tell us what you think about this: Is it right to pay taxes to the Roman government or not?" 
But Jesus knew their evil motives. "You hypocrites!" he said. "Whom are you trying to fool with your trick questions?  Here, show me the Roman coin used for the tax." When they handed him the coin, he asked, "Whose picture and title are stamped on it?" 
"Caesar's," they replied.
"Well, then," he said, "give to Caesar what belongs to him. But everything that belongs to God must be given to God."  His reply amazed them, and they went away. (Verses 15-22)

And what does not belong to God!?!  Let’s give the Lord our “everything”.  That is being on God’s side.  May it be so.  

Enough mumbling for now… 

Peace Out

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