Sunday, October 21, 2012

Overalls are Formal Wear; 1 Peter 3-5

May the mumbling commence!

You might be a redneck if you think overalls are formal wear! 

The Philips’ translation of First Peter chapter five talks about the “overall” of humility in serving each other.  Talk about the perfect advertisement for Osh-Kosh-B-Gosh!  Read the passage below:

You younger members must also submit to the elders. Indeed all of you should defer to one another and wear the "overall" of humility in serving each other. 'God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble'.
So, humble yourselves under God's strong hand, and in his own good time he will lift you up. You can throw the whole weight of your anxieties upon him, for you are his personal concern. (Verses 5-7)

Let us humble ourselves in overalls.  Yes, that clothing that is connected with the innocence of childhood and the hard work and patience of a farmer.  Put those overalls on, and don’t spare the suspenders!

The things that we wear under the overalls have much to do with deference.  That means not insisting on our own way.  What a novel and seldom used thought!  Pride can take a hike, while humility and grace can restore the chaotic mess to beautiful life.

And, when we humble ourselves, we count on God to lift us up.  Even as God lifts us, we will find our worries and anxieties melt into harmless puddles around our feet.  Did you know that you are God’s personal concern?  It’s true.

Let us revel in that wonderful Good News.

Enough mumbling for now…

Peace Out

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