Thursday, October 11, 2012

Hit the Reset Button; 1 Timothy 5-6

May the mumbling commence!

There are many temptations in this old world.  Money and riches are one of the oldest of temptations.  Many people assume that wealth will make them happy.  But, I’ve known plenty of grumpy wealthy people and plenty of happy “poor” people. Dollars and cents do not make happiness or joy – neither do possessions.  Just think about this: if wealth provides security, why do so many wealthy people feel the need for security systems?

The Bible and Jesus talk much about money and true wealth.  Read from First Timothy chapter six:

For men who set their hearts on being wealthy expose themselves to temptation. They fall into one of the world's traps, and lay themselves open to all sorts of silly and wicked desires, which are quite capable of utterly ruining and destroying their souls. For loving money leads to all kinds of evil, and some men in the struggle to be rich have lost their faith and caused themselves untold agonies of mind.
But you, the man of God, keep clear of such things. Set your heart not on riches, but on goodness, Christ-likeness, faith, love, patience and humility. Fight the worthwhile battle of the faith, keep your grip on that life eternal to which you have been called, and to which you boldly professed your loyalty before many witnesses.
I charge you in the sight of God who gives us life, and Jesus Christ who fearlessly witnessed to the truth before Pontius Pilate, to keep your commission clean and above reproach until the final coming of Christ. This will be, in his own time, the final dénouement of God, who is the blessed controller of all things, the king over all kings and the master of all masters, the only source of immortality, the one who lives in unapproachable light, the one whom no mortal eye has ever seen or ever can see. To him be acknowledged all honor and power for ever, amen!
Tell those who are rich in this present world not to be contemptuous of others, and not to rest the weight of their confidence on the transitory power of wealth but on the living God, who generously gives us everything for our enjoyment. Tell them to do good, to be rich in kindly actions, to be ready to give to others and to sympathize with those in distress. Their security should be invested in the life to come so that they may be sure of holding a share in the life which is permanent. (Verses 9-19)

Set your heart on wealth and expose yourself to temptation.  The love of money is the root of much evil.  It can lead to the desire to make your million or billion no matter who you hurt in the process.  The love of money first destroys the family, and then it corrodes the neighborhood.  It is a ravenous beast that will not stop and the city or state or country or world. 

The warning is plain, and the signs of ruin and destruction are plain to see for those not enmeshed in denial.  So, what do we do?  Keep our minds clear of such things.

Hit the reset button on your heart.  Make your heart’s desire goodness.  Be Christ-like in everything you do.  Show your faith in action.  Sprinkle your life with love and patience and humility.  Keep yourself clean and above reproach until you pass away or until Christ returns – whichever comes last.

But what about those who are already wealthy – what should they do?  For wealthy people, bleed from your life any contempt that you have for those less fortunate.  Be careful not to put your confidence and hope in your wealth and possessions – these things are transitory at best. 

And the wealthy is not immune to the call to do good.  In fact, their wealth opens the door of opportunity to do more good.  Yes, be rich in kindly actions.  Be ready to give without any hope of a “return on your investments”.  Sympathize with people in distress.  Doing things like these will be fruits of the sure hold you have on eternal life.

Let’s hit the reset button on our hearts and chase after God’s heart – relationship and all things that restore relationship.

Enough mumbling for now…

Peace Out

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