May the mumbling commence!
Be careful what you do! One day the shoe will be on the other foot. What you have done to others will be done to you. It is the lesson from the nation of Edom, descendants of Jacob’s twin brother Esau. Read the prophecy of Obadiah from verses ten to fifteen:
“Because of the violence against your brother Jacob,
you will be covered with shame;
you will be destroyed forever.
On the day you stood aloof
while strangers carried off his wealth
and foreigners entered his gates
and cast lots for Jerusalem,
you were like one of them.
You should not look down on your brother
in the day of his misfortune,
nor rejoice over the people of Judah
in the day of their destruction,
nor boast so much
in the day of their trouble.
You should not march through the gates of my people
in the day of their disaster,
nor look down on them in their calamity
in the day of their disaster,
nor seize their wealth
in the day of their disaster.
You should not wait at the crossroads
to cut down their fugitives,
nor hand over their survivors
in the day of their trouble.
The day of the Lord is near
for all nations.
As you have done, it will be done to you;
your deeds will return upon your own head.
There was no love lost between Esau and Jacob. Neither was there love lost between Israel and Edom. It was like one big dysfunctional family, where Israel almost always had the upper hand. I find no surprise in the glee that Edom took in the downfall of Jerusalem. But, like looters, they took advantage of the situation. They cast lots for Jerusalem and seized their wealth. They cut down those who were escaping and handed over any survivors to the king of Babylon. They took an active part in the destruction of Jerusalem. They were kicking their brother Israel when they were down, and they did so while looking down their noses at them.
Yes, be careful what righteous judgment that you give unto others. As Jesus said, you will be judged in the same way (Mt 7:1-2). It will done to you; your deeds will return upon your head. Let us deal mercifully with others – even those we deem our enemies – because one day the shoe will be on the other foot.
Enough mumbling for now…
Peace Out
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