May the mumbling commence!
God expects words and actions – not just to hear and give lip service to but to do. It is a pattern that can be plainly seen in Exodus 7:14-9:35. Look at the first two plagues. God had the power to do these plagues on His own, but He asked Mose and Aaron to do some specific things. For the first plague, God asked Aaron (through Moses) to stretch out the staff and his hand over the all the waters of Egypt. When Aaron (and Moses) complied, a multitude of frogs came up from the waters. The Lord asked for the action, and the action was based on the faith of Moses and Aaron.
God likes to see faith in action. For the second plague, the Lord asked Aaron to use the staff to strike the ground. With this stroke of faith, the Lord created a vast swarm of gnats. Just thinking about this plague reminds me of the two years I spent in Americus, Georgia. Due to temperatures throughout the year (read how cold it gets) there is a gnat line, and we lived below it. Let me tell you hordes of gnats are not pleasant. Anita and I joked about the Georgia wave, which was actually swatting (or trying to) those dratted gnats. We only learned later that the waving of our arms only attracted more of them! The fourth and fifth plagues also required actions from Moses and Aaron.
While these men of faith listened, spoke, and acted, Pharaoh let the words of Aaron and Moses go in one ear and out the other. At times, Pharaoh did give lip service to allowing the Hebrew people to go. Each time the current plague was lifted, Pharaoh conveniently and expertly did a 180-degree about face. No, Pharaoh did not know the Lord, and Pharaoh’s heart was hardened.
When the Lord announced the fifth plague, He told Pharaoh that, until now, He was holding the severity of the plagues back. God would no longer do so. The Lord wanted Pharaoh to know that there is no one like the Lord in all the earth – not even Pharaoh. God hardened Pharaoh’s heart so that the name of the Lord, with all its power, might be proclaimed in all the earth. But the words fell on deaf ears.
And God announced the fifth plague as a warning. Great hailstones were going to fall on all Egypt, except for Goshen – where the Hebrews lived. Since the third plague, God was making a distinction between Egyptians and Hebrews. God warned Pharaoh and his court: if you do not bring in your animals and servants to protect them from the hail, they will all perish. Some of Pharaoh’s officials listened and brought in their livestock and servants. Others joined Pharaoh in ignoring the warning, and they lost dearly.
Then, Pharaoh, for the first time, admitted to sinning – only to commit another sin by reversing his decision to let the Hebrews go to worship the Lord. Moses was right when he accused Pharaoh and his officials of not fearing the Lord. Still, they did not know God. Come on, now! Here’s your sign, Pharaoh and company. Four plagues, now, have happened that could not be reproduced by the magicians and sorcerers. They even said it was the finger of God.
Yes, God wants me to listen. He wants me to share with others. And God also wants me to act.
We act not for the benefit of God but for the benefit of building our faith.
I give thanks this day for the presence of God in my life. May I listen to the call of His Holy Spirit and do as God calls me to do. May the world see the light of Christ shine through me.
Enough mumbling for now…
Peace Out
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