Hi, All.
May the mumbling commence!
First off, I wish to celebrate the day - Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Day. Yesterday, Jud preached about seeing the light. Jud suggested that Job finally saw the light when the Lord responded to his pleas. Jud quoted from the last chapter of Job verse five: "My ears have heard of you, but now my eyes have seen you. Therefore I repent in dust and ashes." Martin Luther King Jr. also saw the light. As Dr. King studied the non-violent resistance practices of Gandhi and the principles that they stood upon, Dr. King realized these actions and principles were based upon the teachings of Jesus. Yes, Gandhi may have been the best at living the life that Jesus calls all his followers to - even though Gandhi never accepted the Christian faith itself. Because Dr. King saw this light, our world is better off.
May we aim to persuade and lead the way that Dr. King did. May we treat our opponents with the same love and dignity that Dr. King did.
Even as Job offered prayers of intercession for his misguided friends...
Job was enabled to do this because he finally realized that all humanity is on a level playing field when compared with God. As he first responds to the Lord in Job 40, "I am unworthy -- how can I reply to you? I put my hand over my mouth. I spoke once, but I have no answer -- twice, but I will say no more."
I treasure this walk with Job, Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar, and Elihu. For me, the bottom line in this book is humility before God and humanity. May I not waste my time trying to prove myself better than others. May I invest my time in enriching myself and those around me by seeking the path God has before us. I cannot reach my full potential without Jesus. I cannot reach my full potential without you all. For sometimes, you are Jesus to me - God with his skin on. These are blessings that I can take with me into the kindom of God. Yes, I meant KINdom. For we all are kin, children of God...
Today, I say goodbye to Job for now. Tomorrow, I will begin learning at the feet of the great patriarchs and matriarchs of Genesis. Tomorrow, I will say hello to Abram and company.
Enough rambling for this day...
Peace Out
Awesome!!! You are a quick study!!!
ReplyDeleteI will have to share my blog sometime.....